A farm-based day services centre for special young people

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Improving Knowledge

There is always something new to learn on a farm. Each day brings its own discoveries and there is rarely a dull moment, whether planned or unplanned. So we go out of our way to explain what we are doing and what is happening around us during a day at Rooted & Booted.  We do nothing as boring as sit-down lessons, but we do lots of learning on the job and we structure our activities accordingly. We are part of the government’s Educational Access scheme and have been trained by the Countryside Educational Visits Accreditation Scheme to deliver safe, high-quality farm experiences that meet curriculum needs and we can tailor our visits to meet requisite learning outcomes. The learning covers three broad and overlapping themes which are important and increasingly topical for everyone:


Local food production – focusing currently on all aspects of vegetable growing, rearing sheep and cattle, food value, routes to market and seasonality.

The natural environment – horticulture, local wildlife and habitats, biodiversity, tree and hedgerow management, water management, countryside stewardship, carbon capture and conservation.

Sustainable farming – seasonal activity, animal life cycles and welfare, soil fertility, manure management, pasture management, machinery, renewable energy and diversification.