A farm-based day services centre for special young people

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Improving Health and Wellbeing

We strive to ensure that everyone who spends a day with us, be it a trooper or support worker, feels better for it and sleeps very well after it! An active day outdoors in the clean fresh air, amidst our peaceful unspoilt countryside and within a compassionate and fun community works wonders for most people.


For many, it’s a complete escape from their normal life and a much-needed form of ecotherapy.  The therapeutic benefits of working with nature are well documented along with the additional spiritual and psychological benefits of improving the sense of wellbeing, lifting mood, having fun, and offering a sense of purpose, hope and achievement.

Whilst we treat individuals by their own needs, we always design a day at Rooted & Booted to improve everyone’s physical and mental health. We aim to reduce anxiety and sensory overload, adapt activities to suit individual movement needs and levels of focus, use simple language and deliver meaningful and interesting routines to stimulate personal direction. We also promote social interaction wherever possible and create a supportive climate of acceptance, patience and respect. We also have a comfortable and quiet area under cover to offer time out if that is appropriate.


Health, cleanliness and safety on the farm are taken very seriously and our facilities and procedures have all been designed to mitigate the risks that we continually manage.


Improving knowledge